Helping your business to buy energy smartly, access lower rates, reduce waste and future proof your strategy!

Enjoy exploring markets with your independent Energy & Sustainability Navigator

With the cost of business electricity and gas escalating we can broker deals for you, train your team, work as an extension of your team, depending upon your preferences and capabilities. 

Whether a major energy user or micro business, working with you, your team, your existing energy partners and suppliers we create bespoke solutions.

From simple market comparison quotes without the spin and pressure, to flexible procurement -explore the market in a transparent manner, discover dedicated services tailored to your organisation.

For a free and no obligation health check, or support with the current energy crisis, please contact or call me 07805925664

We help you to understand the energy market and your current operations impact on cost and environment. With energy costs sky high, efficiency saving and buying Solar are no brainers, but rather than rushing to sell products, we work with you as a partner navigating and accessing the right options, not the options which make the various supplier companies the most money!

Strategy and direction of travel are so important and we are proud to be leaders in sustainability and transparency, with our diverse capabilities, ability to collaborate and spark ideas we love to understand and help you navigate the rapidly accelerating challenges and opportunities. 

Thankfully, there are exciting, rapidly evolving technologies and solutions available to businesses to enable significant savings and carbon reduction opportunities.

Measuring energy use is easy when you know how but for most businesses the market is still difficult to access and navigate, so let us support you to get smart energy data, gain insights and make savings through efficiency and behaviour change.

Save money across other areas of cost…

Through years of experience working with diverse business owners and teams, and building relationships with expert specialist partners, we can also help you check and access quality, cost effective solutions from our hand selected trusted partner ecosystem.

We have helped businesses to save money, get better service and in some cases get refunds for overcharges on energy, telecoms, commercial taxes, insurance, water, materials, waste management and more. 



Sustainability, CSR, ESG, what do they even mean? We go beyond labels but if we had to choose one it would be – Regenerative!

Any business can only exist in isolation, or temporarily in an unsustainable system.

Thankfully we are turning the tide and know what it will take to regenerate nature, business, humanity.

We know how to find a new balance, yet urgency is needed… let’s work in-synq!

Sustainability is wide ranging and everything is interconnected.

We can help you to distil and unleash untapped potential for your brand, engage and connect your team and precious community. How you make the world a better place and your actions in the next few years will define our species.

Together we can regenerate the environment, create a more profitable and commercially sustainable business, creating beneficial impacts and legacies.

In-SynQ Solutions are passionate about the environment and passionate about supporting those who share this ethos, whilst trying to help and influence all businesses to be part of the solution.

Technology like Solar panels, Voltage optimisation, and EV vehicles are great, but will not save us from climate catastrophe if we continue destroying natures precious green and blue spaces, or wipe out species we rely on for clean water, air and our food!

So let’s embrace the power of nature with small positive steps and big ones where we can. Not only will a nature positive culture benefit business, but helping to connect your people with nature is proven to increase mental and physical wellbeing, sense or place, purpose and produce better work results.

The net part of zero, relies on Offsetting, planting trees in its simplified form, but with a wide spectrum of ways this can be done, the impacts and reliability vary widely in credibility. Offsetting can polarise opinion, some use it to greenwash, but if we reframe the solution to ‘investing in nature’ we should welcome it. But not before looking at direct impacts on nature, reducing negative impacts, whilst exploring opportunities to enhance nature across supply chains and across a products lifecycle.

Sucking up carbon using trees, or sea grass, or mangroves, or soil – all of these ‘nature-based solutions’ rely on being part of a healthy ecosystem. There are many truly amazing initiatives funded by offsetting or carbon credits, but with the phenomenon having spawned a new poorly regulated market selling solutions, another layer of complexity exists.

Carefully selecting projects, which through habitat and ecosystem restoration locally and globally make huge impacts with modest investment.

There is a huge opportunity to also help nature in your own back yard and sites, to where you get the stuff you turn into your products and value, to the impacts your products and services have on people and planet.

Helping nature, should be front and centre, with simple and even free help available.

We can help you unleash the power of community, connecting with local green and nature focused charities and community groups, whilst engaging and supporting your team and customers.

With imagination and by collaborating with local authorities, housing associations and landowners, local green and blue spaces are waiting for a company to align their CSR / ESG initiatives to support carbon removal, biodiversity enhancement and nature connection whilst engaging and enriching local communities.


Develop a nature positive strategy

Navigate offsetting, voluntary carbon and biodiversity markets

Build biodiversity on site and connect your people with nature

Develop and connect with local community groups, green and blue spaces and regenerative movements



Where are you now? Where did you come from? What is your vision for the future?

The In-SynQ way is firstly to understand you, why you are unique and what sets you apart from the crowd and then to provide you with solutions, with no cost or obligation.

By understanding you, your market, your clients, your opportunities and risks, we can tailor sustainable development plans to build more from less.

We will look to help you create new opportunities from your existing resources, help you as a business owner or entrepreneurial thinker to work on the areas you enjoy and where you can make a difference.

We create robust processes and build sustainable sales strategies that not only galvanise business generation but help with client retention, recommendation and social proof.

Lets open new doors to untapped markets and provide innovative solutions to the problems your customers face that add value and additional income streams to your business, diversifying, differentiating and protecting you against the risks of market and regulatory change.


With over 20 years experience, learning, training, recruiting and teaching, you will find our way of working to be a refreshing surprise… ethics, transparency, relationships, human connection, authenticity, and a lot of technique in the mix as well – Science + Art = RESULTS

We know it works, and the amount of dubious cold calls we all get shows the dark and light sides of telesales, even done badly it gets results, imagine what quality and ethical telesales can achieve?

The answer is simple – Results for your business, powerful and measurable returns, more appointments, subscribers, sales, customer engagement and more!

Whatever your current successes and goals, adding telesales to your business repertoire will amplify the results from your current methods such as networking and digital marketing.


Define Targets – Qualified Appointments, Sales, Subscribers, Engagement, Leads, Pipeline etc

Prove the Concept – ‘Done for you’ or ‘Facilitated DIY’ 

Train & Systemise – Create systems, structure and sustainable resources whilst coaching you or your team

Optimise – Grow performance and results, diversify and scale to suit your goals and opportunities

Project Work – Let us do it for you and bring fire back to your cold leads, get results and reopen routes to opportunities.